Sunday, 21 July 2013

The future of consoles, part 2: Sony & Microsoft – Reader's Feature - Metro

The future of consoles, part 2: Sony & Microsoft – Reader’s Feature
PlayStation 4 – the winner of the next generation?

The second part of this weekend's extra length feature makes some bold predictions about the future of Xbox, or rather the lack of it…

Click here for the first part of Luma's double-feature on the future of games consoles.

After discussing Nintendo's future, let's consider Sony. This one can be summarised in fewer words. Their gamer-centred focus and nurturing of relationships with third parties tells us where they stand relative to Nintendo and Microsoft. They have considerable experience within the electronics industry. They now own a number of studios. They have a strong relationship with third party publishers. They are an established console brand in all major territories.

Sony can remain focused on the standard business model because they're the only company with a viable future in the console business. The lack of support for the PS Vita can be explained by their position in this regard, they're pursuing the same strategy as Nintendo but in inverted form. These are the terms on which Sony need to play.

If they had deviated from this, as some thought they would by adopting the same online policies as Microsoft, they would simply be playing to the latter's strengths. The dramatic events at E3 and after have effectively killed Microsoft's future in the video game industry (more on this below). We can therefore predict the following: first, Sony strengthens their partnerships with publishers (there's an outside chance of them entering into partnership with Nintendo after this generation) and consults them in the design, marketing and timing of release of new consoles.

Second, after this coming generation, Sony will dominate the console market and likely produce a standard format. Third, they court both big budget publishers and indies, financing and/or absorbing the most successful of the latter. Fourth, they pull out of the handheld market, possibly supporting Nintendo by releasing software on their handhelds.

Finally, let's consider Microsoft. They've made huge losses since entering the video game market. They've failed to penetrate a key territory, Japan, possibly the most important given the concentration of top studios there. Their principal strength is as a provider of applications. Their experience of the video game and electronics industries is limited. Unable to compete with Sony or Nintendo on their respective terms, the future of Xbox (the name itself provides the clue) was staked on becoming a multimedia hub for the home.

Video games were a Trojan Horse to establish their dominance in the living room and multimedia a Trojan Horse that could plausibly establish their dominance in the video game industry. Sony's very public rejection of online-only gaming and the vociferous response of gamers and industry insiders that led to their U-turn have effectively ended their relationship with the video game industry.

We can therefore predict the following, grim as it sounds: first, Xbox One will be the last console they release; second, over the coming years more and more of their first party studios will go third party or be sold outright to other publishers; third, unable to make profit or generate revenue indirectly through their involvement in the video game industry, they pull out of the market altogether.

In summary, Nintendo will continue to focus their energies on the handheld market and gradually reduce their investments in the console market, likely pulling out altogether after this or the following generation. They'll either enter into partnerships with Sony or make games for Sony consoles. This seems implausible right now but no more implausible than a relationship with Sega seemed 15 years ago.

Sony will become the only company of the three making consoles through established partnerships with major publishers and the indie scene. They'll have an increasingly diminished presence in the handheld market, eventually supporting Nintendo by releasing software on their handhelds.

Microsoft will pull out of the video game industry altogether. Consequently, Japan will dominate the video game industry once again. These changes will come about gradually over the next 5 to 10 years and are already factored into each company's business strategy, Microsoft's by default.

Other companies such as Apple may at some stage try to penetrate the market but they're unlikely to make any serious dent in either Nintendo or Sony's areas of domination. If anything, the consolidation of the two Japanese companies in the video game industry and the experience of Microsoft will likely put them and others off from trying to compete on their terms.

The future looks bright for both Nintendo and Sony, though what the effect of this will be on the games themselves is anyone's guess. What I shall predict though is that we'll be looking back nostalgically on some of the last generation's highlights for many years to come. And we should hand it to Microsoft, for all its faults the Xbox 360 probably hosted the greatest collection of top quality video games of any console, this generation or any other.

With all three companies still in the business of making consoles, there's every chance that this coming generation at least will be just as good for gamers, though we could be disappointed if hoping for ground-breaking software.

By reader Luma

The reader's feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

You can submit your own 500 to 600-word reader feature at any time, which if used will be published in the next appropriate weekend slot. As always, email

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