Sunday, 21 April 2013

Illegal phone unlocking, Acer Windows 8, Galaxy Note 8 (MobileTechRoundup ... - ZDNet

Summary: January is just about over and the quiet before the storm is as well with lots of mobile news hitting in February. Kevin and I were still able to find current topics in mobile tech to chat about in MobileTechRoundup show #288.

Topics: Mobility, Android, iPhone, Microsoft, Nokia


Matthew Miller started using a Pilot 1000 in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since.

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  1. After a long debate, it is a happy news that unlocking cell phones have been legalized. Recently also I unlocked my cell phone safer and easier using unlock code. I got the accurate unlock code for my cell phone from at affordable cost with easy unlocking guide.
