The iPad mini (Review | Pictures) is expected to be available at Rs. 21,900 for the 16GB Wi-Fi only with a Rs. 6,000 premium to the next model in terms of storage and Rs. 8,000 for the model with cellular connectivity. The full pricing for Wi-Fi only iPad mini models is as follows: Rs. 21,900 (16GB), Rs. 27,900 (32GB) and Rs. 33,900 (64GB). The full pricing for iPad mini with cellular connectivity, which uses a nano SIM, is as follows: 29,900 (16GB), Rs. 35,900 (32GB) and Rs. 41,900 (64GB).
The fourth generation iPad is expected to be available at Rs. 31,900 for the 16GB Wi-Fi only with a Rs. 6,000 premium to the next model in terms of storage and Rs. 8,000 for the model with cellular connectivity. The full pricing for Wi-Fi only fourth generation iPad models is as follows: Rs. 31,900 (16GB), Rs. 37,900 (32GB) and Rs. 43,900 (64GB). The full pricing for fourth generation iPad with cellular connectivity, which uses a micro SIM, is as follows: 39,900 (16GB), Rs. 45,900 (32GB) and Rs. 51,900 (64GB).
Apple introduced the iPad mini and the fourth generation iPad at a special event in San Jose, California on October 23rd (Pictures). The iPad mini features a 7.9-inch 1024x768 display, FaceTime HD and iSight cameras, ultrafast wireless performance and 10 hours of battery life. The new fourth generation iPad features a 9.7-inch Retina display, new Apple-designed A6X chip, FaceTime HD camera and ultrafast wireless performance with same 10 hours of battery life.
The iPad mini and fourth generation iPad are available in black and white colour options.
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