Monday, 17 December 2012

Has Windows 8 Failed As The PC Market Hasn't Boomed? - Forbes

Some concern being expressed by analysts about the performance of Windows 8. It seems that Microsoft's latest hasn't produced the usual boom in sales that an upgrade of the Windows OS usually does. This is being taken as a sign, in some parts, that sales of Win 8 itself aren't all that good:

Early data shows that the PC market has not experienced a "pop" from Windows 8. Market watchers have been anticipating this pop since every previous version of Windows has led to a surge in shipments. PC vendors have also been hoping for this to lift their volumes. Volumes have been stagnant for a while.

I'm willing to accept the thesis. But I'd also put forward a slightly different one. One that allows both Windows 8 sales to be good but also allows for no pop in PC sales.

Having actually been around at least on the fringes of the trade ever since Windows 1.0 came out (no, really, a computer company client gave us a box with it on all those years ago) my main prejudice about Microsoft operating systems is that they're bloatware. Every time a new version came out if you wanted to use it then you had to go buy a new PC.

I'm afraid I've forgotten the actual versions that coexisted, but if it was Windows 3 that worked on a 386 then the next version (Millennium? or the one before that, '98?) wouldn't work on a 386 with 4 MB (or whatever). You needed a 486 with 8 MB. Then the next version was horribly slow and sluggish on a 486, you needed the newly arrived Pentium with 16 MB, and so on. As I say, those actual examples might well be wrong but the general sequence was the same. Out comes the new Microsoft OS, everyone is assured that it will work on current and legacy kit, then everyone realises that to do anything in less than geologic time you can only use it on the latest boxes.

At which point there was a reason to use the latest boxes. For each subsequent version did indeed allow you to do more and more useful things.

Now? I'm not sure that Windows 8 actually requires any hardware upgrade at all. Indeed, I'm hearing rumours that it's actually less resource hungry than the version that went before it. Meaning that there just isn't this impulse, or need perhaps, to upgrade the hardware.

No, I don't know whether this is actually true: I put it forward only for consideration. No pop in PC sales doesn't, necessarily, mean that Windows 8 isn't selling. It could just be that Windows 8 itself doesn't require leading edge processing power or memory capacity. Thus there's less of an incentive to upgrade the hardware than there used to be with earlier releases.

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