Friday, 23 August 2013

Gamescom: Microsoft Responds to Sony's Snarky Sucker Punch - IGN

Microsoft has responded to an unsubtle jab at Xbox One made during Sony's press conference by Sony Computer Entertainment's Andrew House at Gamescom this week. House stated, "While others have shifted their message and changed their story, we were consistent in maintaining a message that is fair and in tune with consumer desires."

Phil Spencer of Microsoft Game Studios told Eurogamer, "Other people will do and say what they're going to say. Fine. We're running our program. That's a strength of who we are."

Other people will do and say what they're going to say. Fine. We're running our program. That's a strength of who we are.

A philosophy Spencer keeps returning to is "the two-way conversation with gamers." It's something that "has to be core to who we are as a platform. If we don't have the capability of listening and reacting to what people are saying about our platform, then we're being too disconnected from customers who make investments in our platform and the games we build...If we weren't able to listen then I don't think we're really creating the ecosystem that means people want to come into the platform."

Following Microsoft's numerous changes to Xbox One, Spencer says that "Now, we have a vision, and we've stayed on that vision around the digital ecosystem we want to put on Xbox Live. It remains a core philosophy. We heard people valued some of the existing generation's disc-based DRM, so we said we're going to add that to the digital ecosystem we're building."

What do you think? Is Microsoft smart to play it straight while Sony takes pot-shots from the side?

Mitch Dyer is an Associate Editor at IGN. He's currently reading Tom Bissell's God Lives in St. Petersburg. Read his ramblings on Twitter and follow him on IGN.

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