Samsung recently introduced the Samsung Galaxy S4 in New York. Already we're seeing a rush of third-party accessories announced, now including the V-MODA VAMP VERZA. The VERZA is an attachment and case combo that turns the Samsung Galaxy S4, the older Galaxy S3 and the iPhone 4, 4S and 5 into a mobile premium hi-fi system. At nearly $600 it's intended for people with discriminating ears and plenty of cash, or for audio professionals needing a mobile solution.
V-MODA, known for high-end audio accessories, designed the system to encase a smartphone and extend the phone's built-in battery, while including an amp and digital-to-analog (or DAC) converter.
The system includes two parts. First there is the V-MODA METALLO Case. The case interfaces with the other part, the V-MODA VAMP VERZA. The VAMP VERZA connects to an audio source and offers high-end sound as a DAC or head phone amplifier.
The VAMP VERZA works with any 30-pin Apple product, like the iPhone 4S or older iPods and iPads. There's also a micro-USB cable that will connect to a Samsung Galaxy S4, S3 or any other Android phone or tablet capable of sending audio through the micro-USB cable port. The Lightning adapter connects to the newer iPhone 5, iPad mini or iPad 4th gen. Finally, a regular USB cable will connect to a computer.
See the video from the V-MODA site explaining the system:
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