Monday, 22 October 2012

Boot up: Android apps' SSL flaw, Gangnam Hitler, Bezos's advice, RIM v Nokia ... - The Guardian (blog)

A quick burst of 10 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team

Research shows serious problems with Android apps' SSL implementations >> Threatpost

There are thousands of apps in the Google Play mobile market that contain serious mistakes in the way that SSL/TLS is implemented, leaving them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks that could compromise sensitive user data such as banking credentials, credit card numbers and other information. Researchers from a pair of German universities conducted a detailed analysis of thousands of Android apps and found that better than 15% of those apps had weak or bad SSL implementations.

Survey of IT managers suggests preference for Microsoft mobile platforms >> Computerworld

Almost half of IT managers in a survey last month said that they plan to standardize their company's mobile platform on devices running Microsoft operating systems, including smartphone OSes Windows Phone 7.5 and Windows Phone 8 and tablet OS Windows RT, according to ThinkEquity, a research and institutional investment banking services firm.

48% of respondents said they would choose Microsoft technology as their corporate mobile standard, up from 44% in a similar survey three months before, according to a research note from ThinkEquity financial analyst Yun Kim. Google's Android OS dropped to 8% from 11%, while Apple's iOS grew from 10% to 14%.

Two thoughts: (1) this leaves 30% who either aren't standardised, or use RIM - down from 35% previously; (2) if their intention was so high before, why haven't they already done it?

Some advice from Jeff Bezos >> 37signals

Jeff Bezos gave a talk at 37Signals:

He said people who were right a lot of the time were people who often changed their minds. He doesn't think consistency of thought is a particularly positive trait. It's perfectly healthy -- encouraged, even -- to have an idea tomorrow that contradicted your idea today.

He's observed that the smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they'd already solved. They're open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking.

Fantastic advice.

Who's in worse shape: RIM or Nokia? >> BGR

Looking past the financials, I think that Nokia is in worse shape than RIM in terms of long-term business strategy as well. RIM, for better or worse, is at least in control of its own destiny to some extent. Yes, it's still losing important customers, its BlackBerry 10 operating system has been delayed and it hasn't released a new smartphone in what seems like ages. But here's the key: RIM is in exclusive control of its own operating system and it has a loyal customer base who will stick with it to the very last. This is important because people who still want the RIM experience have nowhere else to go: It's BlackBerry 10 or bust for them and they will shell out cash to get it.

This might be the crux of it.

Gangnam Style from Hitler >> YouTube

Gangnam-style Hitler. Oh yes.

This is great. It's Monday! Enjoy!

Google Wallet exec: no surprise digital payments are slow going >> AllThingsD

It took 50 years for the credit card to become the dominant means of payment, so it shouldn't be surprising that mobile payments haven't immediately taken off.

Everyone is expecting change to happen in weeks or months, but it will take time, says Osama Bedier, Google's VP of Wallet and payments. "We will have mobile payments," Bedier said, speaking at the Global Mobile Internet Conference in San Jose on Friday.

Also says that mobile payments have to save time, or money, or both. Even so, he reckons half of transactions will be mobile within five years.

Anatomy of a Hoax: The Sony Nexus X >> Unknown

As far as I know, nothing of any notable significance occurred on Monday, October 15, 2012. The social web was still abuzz from the spectacular achievement in human ingenuity from the night before, brought to you by Red Bull and science. People continued to predictably politick and Rainn Wilson did an AMA. However, for an infinitesimal segment of the human population, October 15th was marked by a frenetic search for answers fueled by an anxiety that can only come from leaked photos of an up-and-coming piece of shiny new tech.

I faked the Sony Nexus X. Truly sorry. But I did come away from the experience with a few observations. I will share these musings, along with how and why I created these fakes.

Ended up with more than 500 articles saying "IS THIS THE NEW SONY EXPERIA NEXUS X???" As the anonymous author points out, not a single person tried to contact the actual Picasa account owner (him) where the photos were originally posted.

Judge denies Apple's request to seal financial documents from Samsung trial >> Apple Insider

The judge originally denied the request to keep the Damages Motion sealed, saying that Apple needed to reveal the documents because it is seeking an enhancement of $535m on top of the $1.05bn awarded by the Apple v. Samsung jury in August. In that motion, Apple is looking to permanently enjoin the sale of 26 Samsung products already on the market.

"As Apple appears to have realized in introducing that exhibit, it cannot both use its financial data to seek multi-billion dollar damages and insist on keeping it secret," Judge Koh wrote in her order. "The public's interest in accessing Apple's financial information is now perhaps even greater than it was at trial."

At this rate they're going to have to include it in the court-ordered advert.

Man behind 'Jailbait' posts exposed, loses job >>

CNN video interview with Michael Brutsch, aka "Violentacrez" - though to hear him describe it, Violentacrez was almost a different person. We'd love to know what a psychiatrist would make of this interview.

A first look at some changes to commenting >> beta

Welcome to our brand new comment platform which is available at the bottom of this page. We've launched this post as a dry run to verify our setup and ensure that the new platform will scale successfully when we roll it out across the site.

Part of the reason for this new platform is technical: we've re-architected it to separate it from our content management system, so that high comment traffic will never compromise our ability to serve up pages quickly. We'll have more details soon on our developer blog.

Coming soon to a screen near you. (Thanks @angusthebull for the link.)

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